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Three Key Elements to Reduce Injury Risk

professional massage therapist treating a female patient s injured neck

Whilst there are many ways to look at safety and risk, our research has shown us that safety can never be complete without three elements.

Physical safety – the environment and spaces around us at work, home and in the community

Social safety – the people and relationships around us at work, home and in the community

Psychological safety – how safe we feel in the environment and spaces at work, home and community and how safe we feel with the people and relationships at work, home and the community

Wholistic safety requires all three aspects to be balanced.

If we don’t like the people we work with then how motivated might we be to keep them safe from falling?

If we don’t think people care about us at work then how likely are we to reach out when we need help?

Wholistic safety is the combination of physical, social and psychological safety. All three must be measured to created safe workplaces.

Are you currently measuring physical, social and psychological safety in your workplace?